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Fig. 16 | Materials Theory

Fig. 16

From: Making sense of dislocation correlations

Fig. 16

Surface plots of the correlation function d(0,0) in a cylindrical coordinate system aligned with the slip plane. The values for r and z are given in multiples of the average dislocation spacing \(d_{\text {avg}}=\frac {1}{\sqrt {\rho }}\). Averaged over angular domain (a). The dashed line is the average dipole height (cf. Eq. (109)), the dash-dotted lines indicate planes re-entering the domain due to periodicity of order o, and therefore contain self-correlation. Gap in the correlation in normal direction (zoomed in z-direction of (a) using a finer spatial resolution) (b). The out-of-plane pair correlation starts approximately at the annihilation distance dann of the DDD code. Correlation averaged over normal direction z (c)

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