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Fig. 5 | Materials Theory

Fig. 5

From: Parallel-GPU-accelerated adaptive mesh refinement for three-dimensional phase-field simulation of dendritic growth during solidification of binary alloy

Fig. 5

Time evolutions of dendrite morphologies and solute concentration distributions during the simulations of the directional solidification from a planar solid seed, using parallel computation with 16 GPUs. In the simulations, a a static domain (Case 1) and domains that move in the z-direction to maintain the dendrite tip position at the z-direction positions b hz = 0.4Lz (Case 2) and c hz = 0.2Lz (Case 3) using MFA were used. The dendrite morphologies are indicated by the contours of ϕ = 0. The distributions of solute concentration and AMR block decompositions on the xy, yz, and zx planes are indicated by the colored contours and white lines

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